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Chelsea Manning's Reported Campaign Contributions From Maryland: Zero

Chelsea E. Manning, the former soldier and well-known leaker of classified government documents, reported zero contributions from Maryland on the first campaign finance statement of her U.S. Senate bid.

Manning, who is waging a longshot campaign to oust Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin in the June 26 Democratic primary, reported $72,000 in contributions between Jan. 1 and March 31, including $3,000 from musician Laurie Anderson. But not a single listed donor came from Maryland.

This doesn’t mean that Manning received no contributions from Maryland – but if she did receive any they didn’t reach the $250 threshold requiring public disclosure for federal campaign contributions.

Chelsea Manning

Many of Manning’s contributions were from lawyers or people working in the tech industry.

Manning spent $48,000 on the campaign in the first quarter of the year and finished with $24,000 on hand. Cardin, by contrast, raised $336,000 in the first quarter, spent $168,000 and banked more than $2.6 million.

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